Huwebes, Nobyembre 30, 2017

How Strong Is Your Squat? Try This Trainer-Backed Test

How Strong Is Your Squat? Try This Trainer-Backed Test

[caption id="attachment_63728" align="alignnone" width="620"]Learn Proper Squat Form With This Trainer-Backed TestPhoto: Courtesy of the American Council on Exercise[/caption] On paper, the squat is as basic as it gets: You go down and then stand back up. But this booty-burning exercise is actually pretty complex. Squats require you to recruit more than just your glutes to get low, especially when you add weight. The functional movement pattern demands strong hamstrings, quads and core — not to mention good mobility in the ankles, knees and hips. With all those moving parts, you might be wondering: Does my squat form make the cut? Enter: the American Council on Exercise (ACE) bend and lift screen. Jacque Crockford, MS, CSCS, ACE-certified personal trainer, says, “The bend and lift screen not only reveals whether you have proper form, [it can help] exercise newbies address postural weaknesses to prevent injuries.” According to Crockford, proper squat mechanics include: trunk and shins parallel to each other and the ground when at the lowest point; heels remaining on the ground with knees tracking in the same direction as the feet; and thighs parallel to the ground. Chances are, one — or more — of these cues are off. And the test below will reveal the source. Just remember to start with the basic bodyweight squat. “By finding the right squat mechanics prior to loading the body with external weight, it will reduce the risk of injury and prepare the body to engage the correct muscle groups,” Crockford says. “This will allow for improved power and strength development leading to increases in performance.” RELATED: How Low Should You Squat? (And How to Improve It)

The ACE Bend and Lift Squat Test

 Here’s how to do the bend and lift screen at home or the gym with the help of the trainer or a friend:
  1. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. Place two broomsticks or dowels on the floor outside of each foot.
  2. Squat down to grab the broomsticks and lift them off the floor, while maintaining a squat for one to two seconds.
  3. Have your trainer or friend observe the position of your feet, knees, hips, torso and back and write them down.
RELATED: 6 Squat Variations for Total-Body Strength [caption id="attachment_63729" align="alignnone" width="620"]How Strong Is Your Squat? Try This Trainer-Backed TestPhoto: Courtesy of the American Council on Exercise[/caption]

5 Ways to Score Proper Squat Form

Based on your assessments, follow these tips from Crockford to land proper squat form from the ground up.

1. Feet

If your heels lift off the ground… Squats don’t require any fancy footwork, but your positioning says a lot about how solid your squat is. Your feet should be be a little wider than hip-distance or shoulder-width apart and firmly on the ground. “The bend and lift screen is a great way to see if the heels raise, or knees track improperly prior to loading the body with weights,” Crockford says. As you lower your body to the ground, you want to keep your weight on your mid-foot and heels. This positioning helps you activate other muscle groups instead of putting extra pressure on your feet and ankles when you squat lower. Ankle mobility, or ankle dorsiflexion (the ability to lean your shins toward your toes without lifting your heels off the ground), is also a factor in your squat. Ideally, you want 40 to 45 degrees of dorsiflexion for a proper squat. As you stand back up, move your shins away from your toes (plantar flexion), and keep your feet firmly on the ground. 

2. Knees

If you collapse your ankles and knees inward…. It’s all about that base, and when it comes to proper squat form, that includes the positioning of your knees. Your glutes are the primary mover of a squat, but if you’re squatting lower than your body can handle, it will make you feel weak in the knees (and not in a good way). Proper squat form requires your knees to grow slightly further apart as you lower your body, rather than collapse inward (valgus knee position). As you get low, Crockford says your glutes should be engaged to prevent pronation (aka rolling inward) of the feet. “Placing a band on the thighs above the knees and pushing outward during the squat motion will help engage the external rotators of the lower body,” Crockford says.

3. Hips

If you lead with your knees instead of the hips… A strong squat starts with a hip hinge, shooting your booty back behind you. If your hips aren’t cooperating, tight hip flexors could be the culprit. “The hip flexors help to pull you down during the lowest portion of the movement. A squat with a limited range of motion might be from weak hip flexors,” Crockford explains. You’ll know how strong your hip flexors are when you can squat lower, and your knees grow farther apart during the eccentric phase of the squat. “Dynamically stretching the hip flexors prior to loaded squats is key to achieving depth and eccentric strength,” Crockford says. As Crockford suggests above, squat with a resistance band around your thighs, just above your knees. “This will help to activate the external rotators of the hip when standing. Deadlifts are also a nice addition to the squat, which helps to increase the strength of the posterior chain,” she says.

4. Torso

If your chest falls forward… Your body should have a forward lean of about 45 degrees during squat. If you find that you’re leaning any more than that, it’s likely due to weakness in the core and/or lack of upper-body mobility, Crockford says. “To correct this, I recommend doing a front squat, which places additional forward load on the body. You can also do it with a dowel across your shoulders to keep the chest up and back,” she says. “Decreasing the range of motion is always a good place to start.” As you’re driving your hips back, brace your core by contracting your abdominal muscles to keep it engaged. This will help prevent your torso from collapsing and will keep your body upright. RELATED: 4 Moves for a Better Back Squat

5. Back

If you overarch or round your back… Squats can put pressure on your spine, especially when you add weight, so it’s important to have proper form to protect your low back. Keep your shoulders down and back to help prevent overarching and rounding your posterior. Or, try holding a dowel overhead to help loosen tight back muscles and activate them. “The trunk angle should ideally be parallel to the shin angle at the lowest point of the squat. To maintain this angle, keep your gaze forward (not down or up) and neck neutral,” Crockford says. Once your shin and trunk are parallel, you can increase the depth of your squat. Read More 50 Butt Exercises to Sculpt Stronger Glutes So You Want to Do a Pistol Squat…Here’s How Lower Body Blast: 5 Moves for Your Butt, Hips and Thighs

from John L Fitness

Martes, Nobyembre 28, 2017

3 Elliptical HIIT Workouts That Won’t Bore You to Death

3 Elliptical HIIT Workouts That Won't Bore You to Death

[caption id="attachment_47390" align="alignnone" width="620"]3 Elliptical HIIT Workouts That Won't Bore You to Death Photo by Marla Rutherford[/caption] Let’s get one thing straight: The elliptical has gotten a bad rap over the years. “Too many times this machine is overlooked because people see others plodding along while they catch up on the latest issue of Us Weekly, so they think it doesn’t really do much when you want an intense workout,” says Annette Comerchero, founder of Elliptifit, an elliptical-only group fitness studio in Los Angeles. But it doesn’t have to be that way. “With the right workout program, you can hit your calorie-burning goals, tone your upper and lower body and blast fat.”  RELATED: 3 Fat-Blasting HIIT Workouts to Try Now But just like any exercise, good form comes first. It’s OK if you pitch forward slightly, but don’t lean your weight on the bars or let your chest collapse inwards, explains Comerchero. You should have an upright posture, with shoulders rolled down and back. Plus, you want to grip the bars at the right level. “Make sure your elbow isn’t fully extended — there should always be a mild bend,” she says. “If there’s not, lower your hands a little until they’re in a comfortable, relaxed position.” SIGN UP FREE: Try Daily Burn's Power Cardio Program Today And when you want to kick things up a notch? Use the handles so you’re also targeting your chest, back, arms and obliques, says Comerchero. “You can incorporate them in so many different ways so things don’t get boring and you’re using different muscles,” she says. Check out the four grips below, then watch Comerchero’s instructional video to get a walk-through of the different styles.

Full Grip: This is the most common grip. Wrap your fingers around the handle and tuck your thumb around the other side, like you’re holding a bottle. This should feel pretty natural. Curved Grip: Pretend you are wearing mittens and cup your hands slightly around the handles, wrapping your fingers (and thumb) around the outsides of each handle. This engages your back muscles more. Open Grip: Place your open palms on the handle and let your fingers point to the sides (not up) — this will challenge your core while also working your chest, biceps, back and triceps. Center Grip: Rest your hands on the stationary bars in the center of the machine’s console.

Ready to give the elliptical a go? Comerchero designed three 30-minute workouts that feature intervals. (Research shows high-intensity interval training (HIIT) helps you burn more calories in less time.) During HIIT intervals, your ramp should be medium and during recovery, it should be low. “If you’re not feeling a drastic change between your interval and the recovery, then you’re probably not going hard enough,” says Comerchero. RELATED: Air Bike: The HIIT Workout That'll Leave You Breathless

30-Minute Elliptical HIIT Workouts

[caption id="attachment_47378" align="alignnone" width="620"]Elliptical HIIT Workout - Explosive Cardio Routine Photo by Marla Rutherford[/caption]

Explosive Cardio Elliptical Workout

Targets: Speed and stabilityHere it’s all about speed, but you’ll also be putting those arm bars to good use. When grasping the bars, try to take the bounce out of your legs. It should feel like your feet are pressing into the pedals and your arms are the main muscle group powering you through, says Comerchero. In other words, if it feels like you’re arms are on fire and your legs are getting a bit more of a break, you’re doing it right. Roll through your feet and start to push your pace for a seven-minute warm up, then HIIT it! Finish off your workout with a two-minute cool down. RELATED: 6 Killer Cardio Workouts That Don’t Involve Running [caption id="attachment_47380" align="alignnone" width="620"]Elliptical HIIT Workout - Resistance Routine Photo by Marla Rutherford[/caption]

Elliptical Resistance Workout

Targets: Building strength and enduranceFor this routine it’s all about making your intervals feel like work. As you increase your ramp resistance, it should progressively start to feel like you’re dragging your feet through mud. Just make sure you can keep a consistent pace — if your stride starts to get choppy, you’ve gone too high. Gently stride on the elliptical for two minutes to get your muscles warm, then dive right into the workout. Afterwards, cool down for two minutes. GET MORE WORKOUTS: Try Daily Burn's Power Cardio, FREE! [caption id="attachment_47381" align="alignnone" width="620"]Elliptical HIIT Workout - Mixed Madness Routine Photo by Marla Rutherford[/caption]

Elliptical Mixed Madness Workout

Targets: Upper body, core, balance and stabilityYou’ll do it all in this workout — push your pace, “run” backwards (to make sure those hamstrings get some attention, too) and isolate the upper body. Proper posture is key here, says Comerchero. “Keep that soft bend in the knees, pedal heel to toe, and keep an upright posture,” she says. “For a quick check-in, take your hands off the bars — it’ll force you to be in the proper upright position because you won’t have anything to lean on.” Warm up on the elliptical for two minutes before you start the intervals, and then take two minutes to cool down after the workout is complete.  Originally published February 2016. Updated November 2017.  Read More Dumbbell Workout: 5 Moves, 1 Full-Body Burn 3 Rowing Machine Workouts for Cardio and Strength 20-Minute HIIT Workout to Get Fit, Fast

from John L Fitness

Lunes, Nobyembre 27, 2017

The Benefits of Eccentric Exercise, Plus 5 Moves to Try

The Benefits of Eccentric Exercise, Plus 5 Moves to Try

[caption id="attachment_63649" align="alignnone" width="620"]The Benefits of Eccentric Exercise, Plus 5 Moves to Try Photo: Twenty20[/caption] It’s time to embrace the negative. And we’re not talking about some downer news or harsh criticism from haters. Instead, we’re focusing on the negative movement of exercise. “The best way to describe eccentric exercises is ‘negatives,’” says Mike Donavanik, CSCS, celebrity trainer and creator of The opposite of concentric (the upward motion that shortens muscle fibers), “eccentric training involves lengthening the muscle fibers back out and lowering the weight down. During eccentric exercises, strength moves are generally performed in a pattern of one- to two-seconds for the lifting portion and three- to five-seconds for the lowering, or negative, portion.” RELATED: Is It Still a Good Workout if I’m Not Sore?

The Benefits of Eccentric Exercise

Research generally supports this working-against-gravity strategy. “It causes more micro-tears in the muscle than concentric training, so eccentric training can lead to increased strength and muscle mass,” Donavanik says. “It also helps strengthen a muscle throughout its full range of motion, which can help prevent injury, too.” What’s more, as you challenge your body in new ways, your brain also reaps the benefits. Researchers have found that — compared to concentric exercises — the novel nature of the eccentric rep pattern increases activity in the area of the brain that tackles coordination and motor control. So the more you practice this downward phase of lifting, the more you engage the brain to help with better body movements. RELATED: 7 Functional Movement Patterns Trainers Want You To Master

How to Get Eccentric with Your Workouts

"Eccentric training can lead to increased strength and muscle mass."
There is a catch, though. Compared to evenly-paced exercises, eccentric training may lead to more muscle soreness thanks to the way it challenges muscle fibers. Plus, because you move at a slower pace, it often burns fewer calories. So the best way to incorporate eccentric exercise into a full workout is to mix a few negative moves into your typical training routine, Donavanik says. For instance, on leg day, stick to your regularly-scheduled deadlifts and lunges, then try eccentric squats. To learn how to nail that negative squat properly — and find a few more eccentric exercises to add to your workouts — check out Donavanik’s suggestions below. RELATED: Why Range of Motion Matters For Your Strength Training Goals

5 Eccentric Exercises to Add to Your Gym Routine

Donavanik recommends adding 10 reps of these five moves to your gym session when you’re craving variety. For maximum strength gains, stick to heavier weights and lower reps rather than cranking out dozens of low-weight reps, according to research. Another quick note: Give your muscles about three days of rest after working through these exercises to allow them to recover.

1. Squats

How to: Start standing with feet about hip-width apart (a). Bend knees, push your hips back and lower butt down toward the floor for a squat, taking three to five seconds to end at about a 90 degree knee angle (or lower if possible) (b). Stand up quickly for the concentric phase (c). Repeat.

2. Push-Ups

How to: Start in plank position with wrists directly under shoulders (a). Bend arms and lower chest down to the floor for a three- to five-second count, ending at about a 90 degree elbow angle (or lower) (b). Quickly push yourself back up for the concentric phase (c). Repeat. RELATED: Can’t Do a Push-Up? Here’s Where to Start

3. Pull-Ups

How to: Start in a straight-arm hang on a bar (a). Pull your chest up toward the bar at a regular pace. If you can’t pull yourself up, jump up to the bar or use a resistance band to help you (b). Then, slowly lower yourself back down for at least three seconds (c). Repeat.

4. Cable Biceps Curls

How to: With the pulley at the bottom of the cable machine, attach a straight, shoulder-width-long bar. Pick up the bar with both hands and start with your arms straight down by your hips, palms facing up (a). Bend your elbows to lift the bar toward your shoulders, keeping your upper arms and shoulders stable (b). Slowly lower your forearms and the weight back to the starting position for five seconds (c). Repeat. RELATED: 8 Arm Exercises You Haven’t Done Before

5. Rope Triceps Extensions

How to: With the pulley at the top of the cable machine, attach a V-shaped rope grip. Bend your elbows to grab each side of the rope overhead (a). Straighten your elbows to push the lower half of your arms toward the floor on a five-count, keeping upper arms and shoulders stable (b). Slowly raise forearms back to starting position (c). Repeat. Read More 6 Surprising Reasons You’re Not Building Muscle The 15 Most Underrated Exercises, According to Trainers 275 Exercises to Shake Up Your Workout Routine

from John L Fitness

24 Hour Cyber Monday SALE + New site is finally live!

24 Hour Cyber Monday SALE + New site is finally live!
24 HOUR SALE on Workout Programs @ 24 HOUR SALE on Meal Plans, built by registered dietitians @ Check out our brand new website @ We use PowerBlock's adjustable dumbbells: Keep up with us on facebook @ Instagram @ Google+ @ twitter @ Pinterest @ Fitness Blender's workout programs make it possible to keep our workout videos & website free. Search over 500 free full length workout videos by length, difficulty, training type, muscles targeted, goal, calorie burn, equipment & more @ If you don't want to spend a single penny, try our free 5 Day Challenge @ Note: All information provided by Fitness Blender is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold Fitness Blender harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims.

from John L Fitness

Sabado, Nobyembre 25, 2017

The 9 Best Fun Runs You Can Do With Your Dog

9 Fun Runs You Can Do With Your Dog

9 Fun Runs You Can Do With Your Dog

If you’re a dog owner and a runner, your pooch is probably your favorite training partner. Man’s best friend can help you stick to a realistic pace, and lend a burst of energy when those legs start dragging. Plus, your pup will get a big woof being outdoors! But why not snag some hardware for your six-legged adventures? Thanks to these dog-friendly fun runs across the country, Fido can finally get a bite of glory. These races also offer plenty of post-race perks, like doggie treats and massages (human ones, too!). Here are nine events worth barking about.

RELATED: The 37 Fittest Dogs of Instagram

9 Fun Runs to Do With Your Dog

[caption id="attachment_63558" align="alignnone" width="620"]Fun Runs with Dogs: Paws Fur Pink RacePhoto: Courtesy of Paws Fur Pink[/caption]

1. Paws Fur Pink

Location: Orange, CA Date: February 18, 2018 Whether you’re undergoing cancer treatment or have a loved one who is, your dog is in it for the long haul, providing comfort and unconditional love. In this 5K and one-mile run or walk, participants can take their dogs along for the journey — costumes encouraged.  Plus, there’s a Pawsitively Pink Costume Contest, complete with prizes for the prettiest pups in pink.

[caption id="attachment_63562" align="alignnone" width="620"]Fun Runs with Dogs: The Fast and the Furriest 5KPhoto: Courtesy of the Fast and the Furriest 5K[/caption]

2. The Fast and the Furriest 5K

Location: Fort Myers, FL Date: April 2018 The Gulf Coast is one of the most beautiful parts of the country, and there’s no better way to see it than running with your four-legged companion. This 5K and one-mile run and walk benefit the Gulf Coast Humane Society, the first nonprofit animal welfare organization in southwest Florida. The Society relies solely on donations, grants and fundraising events, so this event really helps dogs in need.  We’ll raise a paw to that!

[caption id="attachment_63559" align="alignnone" width="620"]Fun Runs with Dogs: Doggie Dash 5KPhoto: Doggie Dash 5K[/caption]

3. Doggie Dash 5K

Location: Portland, OR Date: May 2018 If you want your dog to get the full-on runner’s experience, this is your event. After a 1.5- and 2.5-mile race through Tom McCall Waterfront Park in Portland, take your dog to “Doggie Utopia,” where they’ll get treated to a dog massage, share secrets with a dog whisperer and chase bubbles at the Bubble Booth. Sounds like the best day ever!

RELATED: Love Puppies, Beer and Brunch? 11 Run Clubs to Join Now

[caption id="attachment_63564" align="alignnone" width="620"]Fun Runs with Dogs: Tails and Trails Photo: Courtesy of Orr's Golden Hour Photo[/caption]

4. Tails ‘n’ Trails

Location: Omaha, NE Date: May 2018 Pug Partners of Nebraska, Hands, Hearts & Paws and Muddy Paws all benefit from the half-marathon, 10K, 5K and one-mile races for participants and their dogs. You’ll not only spread awareness about rescuing homeless dogs, you’ll get to enjoy nature on the trails of Chalco Hills. Plus, every dog gets a dog tag at the finish line. Top dogs will get a doggie bowl!

[caption id="attachment_63561" align="alignnone" width="620"]Fun Runs with Dogs: Furry 5KPhoto: Courtesy of Furry 5K[/caption]

5. Furry 5K

Location: Seattle, WA Date: June 2018 For 18 years, the Furry 5K has drawn thousands of two-legged and four-legged friends to raise money for the Seattle Animal Shelter Help the Animals Fund. After running 3.25 miles around Seward Park, you and your pup will be treated to a Pet-a-Palooza party, where you’ll see trained dogs show off their talents (and we mean more than just rolling over for a treat).

[caption id="attachment_63602" align="alignnone" width="620"]Fun Runs with Dogs: Green Mountain IrondogPhoto: Courtesy Jolana Babacek Photography[/caption]

6. Green Mountain Irondog

Location: Colchester, VT Date: September 2018 Think of this race as the equivalent of an Ironman race for humans. Dogs will experience what it takes to become a police K9 by running through obstacles. Expect to help your dog jump over walls, hop through tires and climb ladders. Participants include military veterans, police officers and civilians.

RELATED: The 10 Best Races That Are Fit for Foodies

[caption id="attachment_63560" align="alignnone" width="620"]Fun Runs with Dogs: Chasing Tail 5KPhoto: Courtesy of Matt McDowell[/caption]

7. Chasing Tail Run

Location: Salt Lake City, UT Date: September 2018 As one of the longer dog races, this 1.5- or 4-mile event takes place in downtown Salt Lake City and Memory Grove Park. You and your furry friend will chase down the finish line, where a free beer glass and dog treats from Squatters Brew Pub await. Benefitting the Salt Lake County Animal Services, this fun run boasts local food, drinks and community vibes — nothing ruff about that.

[caption id="attachment_63703" align="alignnone" width="620"]Fun Runs with Your Dog: Howl-O-Ween Mutt RunPhoto: Courtesy of CA Labradors, Retrievers & More[/caption]

8. Howl-O-Ween 5K Mutt Run

Location: San Diego, CA Date: October 2018 We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate Halloween than parading our pups around in full costume. Until we found out it’s a mutt run! Hosted by California Labradors, Retrievers and More Rescue, the 5K run and walk is open to adults, children and leashed dogs. The reward for crossing the finish line? Doggie treats, of course. 

[caption id="attachment_63563" align="alignnone" width="620"]Fun Runs with Dogs: Doggie Dash DawdlePhoto: Courtesy of the Doggie Dash Dawdle[/caption]

9. Doggie Dash and Dawdle

Location: Albuquerque, NM Date: November 2018 You’d think this doggie dash was a big-time marathon, attracting 4,500 runners each year. But no, it’s just a 5K run and one-mile dawdle that are two of the most popular races in Albuquerque. Post-run, you and Fido get to enjoy live music, barrel racing, dog sprints and doggie carnival contests. (Think: bobbing for cheese and paw print painting.) And it’s for a good cause: This event benefits the Animal Humane’s community programs for the area’s homeless pets.

Read More 263 Races for Every Distance and Destination15 Races for People Who’d Rather Walk Than Run The 17 Best Relay Races in the U.S.

from John L Fitness

Martes, Nobyembre 21, 2017

How Much Exercise It Takes to Burn Off Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Dinner Exercise

It happens each year: The dishes you've been craving all season long are finally passed around the table, and before you know it your plate is piled up to your head with turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes — all smothered with a heaping portion of gravy. It's a masterpiece, yes. But it's also a single meal that can total anywhere from 2,500 to 4,500 calories (nearly twice the calories recommended daily). While there's no need to skip your favorite feast in the name of fitness, we recommend taking a peek at this infographic, which puts those cals into perspective. It's not all bad news, though. That Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot will earn you a delicious slice of Mom's apple pie. But you just might think twice about the gravy: A quarter-cup will cost you 50 burpees! Find out how much you have to work for each Turkey Day dish here. RELATED: 9 Creative Turkey Recipes to Reinvent Thanksgiving Dinner

What It Takes to Burn Off Thanksgiving Dinner

How Much Exercise It Takes to Work Off Thanksgiving DinnerRELATED: Burn Before Bird: The Thanksgiving T.U.R.K.E.Y. Workout

The Thanksgiving Dish-to-Exercise Breakdown

Apple Pie (1 slice), 411 calories = 5K Turkey Trot (35 min) Pumpkin Pie (1 slice), 316 calories = Yoga (60 min) Buttered Roll, 210 calories = Flag Football (20 min) Sweet Potato Casserole (1/2 cup), 200 calories = Spinning (18 min) Turkey Breast (6 oz), 195 calories = Ice Skating (50 min) Egg Nog (1/2 cup), 190 calories = CrossFit (13 min) Stuffing (1/2 cup), 180 calories = Stair Running (10 min) Corn Bread (2 oz), 160 calories = Swimming (15 laps) Red Wine (6 oz), 150 calories = Walking (35 min) Mashed Potatoes (1/2 cup), 120 calories = Weight Training (35 min) Green Bean Casserole (1/2 cup), 70 calories = Dancing (14 min) Gravy (1/4 cup), 45 calories = 50 Burpees Cranberry Sauce (1/4 cup), 37 calories = 60 Push-Ups RELATED: Vegan No-Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe

Some Turkey Day Perspective

Calorie counts got you down before Thanksgiving has even rolled around? Remember that this is a time to celebrate and give thanks, so don't forget to keep things in perspective. (A little stuffing never hurt anybody!) Just keep your goals within sight, and your workout journal close by. Whether you're down for an hour of dancing, a friendly push-up contest, or some flag football with the fam, there's always a fun way to stay active and in control of your health and wellness. Originally published on November 2013. Updated on November 2017.  Read More 5 Grocery Store Healthy Traps to Avoid This Thanksgiving 3 Fat-Blasting HIIT Workouts to Try Now 15 Sweet Potato Recipes You'll Crave Beyond Thanksgiving

from John L Fitness

Lunes, Nobyembre 20, 2017

The 30 Best Thanksgiving Turkey Trots

Best Turkey Trots in the US

The 30 Best Thanksgiving Turkey Trots If you think the only race that happens on Thanksgiving Day is seeing who gets a second helping of pumpkin pie first, guess again. Before lifting a fork, watching football, and taking a post-turkey snooze, hundreds of thousands of Americans start their holiday by giving thanks — with a turkey trot.

Because It’s Hot to Trot

These popular running events, traditionally held before the feast on Thanksgiving morning, have grown tremendously in recent years. More than 960,000 people throughout the country finished a Thanksgiving day race in 2016, compared to nearly 901,000 in 2015, according to Running USA. Turkey trots are typically tied to a charitable cause, have a flair for costumed fun, and sometimes give out turkeys and pies to top finishers! Plus, experts say light cardio is one of the best remedies for those inevitable hangovers from Thanksgiving Eve partying. But the turkey trot’s most appetizing draw is obvious. Run a race in the morning and trotters can feel guilt-free about gobbling down later on! Of course, with an average Thanksgiving Day meal weighing in somewhere between 3,000 and 4,500 calories, you’d have to run a full marathon (and then some) to really burn it all off. There are unfortunately no turkey trot marathons at this time, but runners around the country agree that even a few miles is the best way to kick off the holiday. RELATED: 263 Races for Every Distance and Destination

The Best Turkey Trots in America

Lucky for you (and your love of pumpkin pie), it’s easy to find a local race of your own! To get you and your flock of friends and family inspired, here are 20 of the most popular turkey trots in the U.S. all taking place on Thursday, November 24, 2016. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Dana Point Turkey TrotPhoto: Dana Point Turkey Trot[/caption]

1. Dana Point Turkey Trot

Location: Dana Point, CA You’ll find one of the country’s largest and most scenic turkey trots right in the heart of the OC. Established in 1977, the Dana Point Turkey Trot encourages its 11,000 runners to “run the race before you stuff your face.” Benefitting the Dana Point Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9934, among other charities, the event includes a 5K, 10K and a “Gobble Wobble” one-mile run for kids. [caption id="attachment_21642" align="alignnone" width="620"]Silicon Valley Turkey TrotPhoto: Applied Materials Silicon Valley Turkey Trot[/caption]

2. Applied Materials Silicon Valley Turkey Trot

Location: San Jose, CA The Applied Materials Silicon Valley Turkey Trot has raised $6.9 million since its start for local charities including the Healthier Kids Foundation Santa Clara CountySecond Harvest Food Bank and more. Last year, 24,901 people participated — a long way from the 1,900 participants its first year! Elite runners, weekend warriors and kids alike join in the fun cruising through the flat and fast downtown area. There is a 10K for runners and wheelchair athletes, a 5K and multiple kids’ runs. In addition to an epic costume competition, this turkey trot also gives out prizes in categories like “Fittest Firm” and “Quickest Cop/Fastest Firefighter.” RELATED: How Much Exercise It Takes to Burn Off A Thanksgiving Feast [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Run to Feed the HungryPhoto: Run to Feed the Hungry[/caption]

3. Run to Feed the Hungry

Location: Sacramento, CA With all proceeds going toward the Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services, the 24th annual Run to Feed the Hungry will host more than 29,000 runners and walkers at this year’s 10K and 5K. (Last year, this race became the largest T-Day run in the country, with 29,002 runners.) The loop courses start near the Sacramento State campus and run through the cozy tree-lined streets of East Sacramento, with plenty of music and lots of spectators who take a break from the kitchen to come out and cheer. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Turkey Trail Trot XIPhoto: Turkey Trail Trot XI[/caption]

4. Turkey Trail Trot XI

Location: San Francisco, CA At the quirky Turkey Trail Trot XI, don’t be surprised to see a giant costumed turkey leading the pack of participants in silly costumes of their own. Benefitting the Lowell High Track & Field team, the cross-country course in Golden Gate Park features a 5-mile trot, 3-mile “Pilgrim Promenade” (aka a walk) and 100-meter kids’ “Gobbler Chase.”  The winners of the races will take home prizes of turkeys, Schubert’s Bakery pies and plenty of wine! [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Mile High United Way Turkey TrotPhoto: Mile High United Way Turkey Trot[/caption]

5. Mile High United Way Turkey Trot

Location: Denver, CO Celebrating its 43rd year, the Mile High United Way Turkey Trot is the top fundraiser for the United Way. More than 20,000 people head to Denver's Washington Park for the 4-mile race or 1/4-mile family fun run. Those of drinking age can enjoy the craft beer garden party (featuring local breweries like Great Divide) at the finish line. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Manchester Road RacePhoto: tfxc[/caption]

6. Manchester Road Race

Location: Manchester, CT What began on a rainy day in 1927 with just 12 runners is now one of New England’s most famous road races and the largest race in Connecticut. The Manchester Road Race’s (almost) 5-mile course attracts up to 15,000 runners, including Olympians, locals and at least one Runner’s World editor, as well as nearly 20,000 spectators each year. Last year, it donated more than $100,000 to charities including the Muscular Dystrophy Association. [caption id="attachment_45484" align="alignnone" width="620"]Atlanta Track Club Thanksgiving HalfPhoto: Atlanta Track Club[/caption]

7. Atlanta Half Marathon

Location: Atlanta, GA Overachievers, this one’s for you! The Atlanta Half Marathon will definitely blast more calories, compared to most of the other trots on our list.  Did you know Atlanta originally hosted a Thanksgiving Day full marathon from 1981 to 2009? These days, you’ll have to settle for the still-awesome 13.1-mile course. It winds its way past city landmarks like Centennial Olympic Park and Piedmont Park. The Atlanta tradition also includes a 5K, one-miler and 50-meter dash. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]New-Orleans-Road-RacePhoto: Run Turkey Trot[/caption]

8. New Orleans Athletic Club Turkey Day Race

Location: New Orleans, LA The New Orleans Track Club has been hosting the annual New Orleans Athletic Club Turkey Day Race for 110 years. One of the oldest and continuously held non-marathon races in the country, the 5-mile run and half-mile race for kids benefit Spina Bifida of Greater New Orleans. Join more than 2,000 runners in a trek to the finish line at Tad Gormley Stadium in City Park, named after Francis Thomas "Tad" Gormley, the race’s original founder. RELATED: What's Really in Tofurky and Other Vegetarian Turkey? [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="600"]Feaster-FivePhoto: DMSE SPORTS[/caption]

9. Feaster Five Road Race

Location: Andover, MA Dessert comes early at the 30th annual Feaster Five Road Race, where runners are rewarded with an apple pie at the finish line! Running legends like Bill RodgersJoan Benoit Samuelson and Team Hoyt have all raced toward that pie, and more than 10,000 other participants will take on the 5-mile, 5K and kids’ fun runs (100-600 yards for ages 4-12) this year. Proceeds from the turkey trot benefit local charities including the Merrimack Valley YMCA, Challenge Unlimited at Ironstone Farm and the Bellesini Academy. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Thanksgiving Day Pilgrim 5KPhoto: Thanksgiving Day Pilgrim 5K[/caption]

10. Plymouth Turkey Trot and Thanksgiving Day Pilgrim 5K

Location: Plymouth, MA We don’t think the Pilgrims started the first Thanksgiving with a running race. But in present-day Plymouth, the place where it all began, they start with two turkey trots! Both collect food donations to support the Greater Plymouth Food Warehouse. There’s the (hilly) five-mile Plymouth Turkey Trot, which takes runners past historic landmarks like Plymouth Rock (where the race starts), Forefathers Monument and the Mayflower II. This year, they also added a three-mile course. And then there's the seventh annual flat and fast Thanksgiving Day Pilgrim 5K course which includes a stretch on Old Sanswich Road, the oldest road in America. Run both and you get — what else? — a giant turkey trophy in honor of your “Second Helping” accomplishment! [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Fifth-Third-Turkey-TrotPhoto: RunMichigan[/caption]

11. Strategic Staffing Solutions Turkey Trot

Location: Detroit, MI More than 21,000 Detroiters will lace up for this trot, which kicks off the city's T-Day parade. Now in its 35th year, it offers a 10K run, 5K run/walk, a "Mashed Potato Mile" and a "Dumbstruck Double," which includes both the 10K and 5K distances. This year, they also added another two-race deal to the fun, dubbed the "Cranberry Combo" — it includes tackling the one-miler and 5K. RELATED: Skip the Sweatpants: Your Pre-Thanksgiving Detox Plan [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Fast-Before-the-FeastPhoto: Run Turkey Trot[/caption]

12. Fast Before the Feast

Location: White Bear Lake, MN Some runners might have personal racing goals for the 10K, 5K and fun run at the Fast Before the Feast. But there’s another lofty goal for all participants this year — to donate 10,000 pounds of food to the White Bear Area Emergency Food Shelf and Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf. Since its start, the race has donated more than 29,000 pounds of food to these local charities. The mostly flat neighborhood courses are really secondary to those donations. Bring ‘em and trotters are guaranteed free Caribou Coffee treats at the finish line and entries into the thousands of dollars’ worth of door prizes. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Charlotte-Southpark-Turkey-TrotPhoto: Richard / Old NC Runner Blog[/caption]

13. Charlotte Southpark Turkey Trot

Location: Charlotte, NC The 29th annual Charlotte Southpark Turkey Trot is one of the city’s longest-running events and Thanksgiving Day traditions. It’s so popular, the field has to be capped at 11,000 participants for the 8K, 5K, 1-mile and 26.2-yard “Tot Trot.” Finishers of the loop course around South Charlotte go home with a special medal. And whoever wins the costume contest goes home with some awards, too. The event supports charitable partners including the McClintock Partners in Education and the Christ Lutheran Church in Charlotte. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Six Tunnels to Hoover DamPhoto: Six Tunnels to Hoover Dam[/caption]

14. Six Tunnels to Hoover Dam Turkey Trot

Location: Las Vegas, NV Eighteen miles off the Las Vegas strip, there’s a turkey trot that runs along Lake Mead and along the Historic Railroad Trailhead. It has not one, not two, but six tunnels on the menu before making its way to the Hoover Dam! The Six Tunnels to Hoover Dam Turkey Trot is now in its ninth year with participants competing in a 12K, 5K and 1-mile stroll. This year, they want runners to take it a step further: Now participants can sign up for the half marathon option. RELATED: The 5K Training Plan You Can Totally Do [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Buffalo Niagra YMCA Turkey TrotPhoto: Buffalo Niagra YMCA[/caption]

15. Buffalo Niagara YMCA Turkey Trot

Location: Buffalo, NY Created in 1896, the Buffalo Niagara YMCA Turkey Trot is the oldest consecutively run footrace in North America. Not even a record-breaking snowstorm in 2002 kept runners off the streets of Buffalo! This year, expect 14,000 runners (the cap) and walkers to come dressed to impress, ready to take on the 8K course and the sixth annual costume contest. The event supports local YMCA programs. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Western and Southern Thanksgiving Day RacePhoto: Western & Southern Thanksgiving Day Race[/caption]

16. Western & Southern Thanksgiving Day Race

Location: Cincinnati, OH Runners brave freezing temps at Paul Brown Stadium, home to the Cincinnati Bengals, for the annual Western & Southern Thanksgiving Day Race and McDonald's Kids Run. This year marks the 107th annual running of the 10K event, making it the oldest road race of any kind in the Midwest, the sixth oldest race in the country and perhaps the only turkey trot around to cross the Ohio River — twice! The race proceeds go toward the Ronald McDonald HouseGirls on the Run, the UC Barrett Cancer Center and many other charities. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Ohio River Turkey TrotPhoto: Ohio River Road Runners Club[/caption]

17. Ohio River Road Runners Club Turkey Trot

Location: Miamisburg, OH It’s been around for 39 years now, but the Ohio River Road Runners Club Turkey Trot introduced a brand new course just last year. Why? To accommodate its growing number of 10,000-plus participants! New this year: a comfy hoodie that comes with your registration fee, a step up from the typical T-shirt. The event is the largest 5-mile race in the eastern half of the U.S., but also hosts a 1-mile non-timed run for the more casual trotter. RELATED: The 10 Best Races That Are Fit for Foodies [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="620"]Run-for-the-DiamondsPhoto: Best Road Races[/caption]

18. Run for the Diamonds

Location: Berwick, PA We’re still not sure what diamonds have to do with Thanksgiving, but the bling sure gets 2,000 runners up and at ‘em! The top seven male and female winners of the challenging 9-mile Run for Diamonds (the fourth oldest road race in America), take home diamond rings and diamond pendants, respectively. And for those who miss out on the prized jewels, there’s always free post-race pizza to look forward to! [caption id="attachment_21609" align="alignnone" width="620"]Arlington Turkey TrotPhoto:[/caption]

19. Arlington Turkey Trot

Location: Arlington, TX Texas sports fans will love the eighth annual Arlington Turkey Trot, which gives runners a chance to race past Rangers Ballpark and Cowboys Stadium on the out-and-back 5K loop. There were more than 1,000 timed runners participate in the trot and even more toe the line for the “Puffin’ and Stuffin’” one-mile fun run. Winners get a free pair of sneakers and race proceeds support The Shoe Bank, a local charity that provides shoes for 25,000 people in need each year. [caption id="attachment_21750" align="alignnone" width="620"]Capital One Dallas YMCA Turkey TrotPhoto: Dallas YMCA[/caption]

20. Capital One Bank Dallas YMCA Turkey Trot

Location: Dallas, TX Also benefitting the YMCA, the Dallas Turkey Trot really proves that everything’s bigger in Texas. The 50th annual race expects nearly 40,000 runners for its 8-mile run and 5K run/walk, making it one of the largest multi-event races in the country. (And if you can't make it to Dallas, you can also join in virtually.) This trot attracts elite runners and regular ol’ birds alike. In fact, in 2011, it set a world record for the largest gathering of people dressed as turkeys. RELATED: 15 Races for People Who'd Rather Walk Than Run [caption id="attachment_45277" align="alignnone" width="620"]Boise Turkey Trot 5KPhoto: Life Time Turkey Trots[/caption]

21. Turkey Day 5K Boise

Location: Boise, IA With races in five locations across the country, the Life Time Turkey Day 5K is all about family and friends kicking off the holiday together in a healthy, happy way. (Besides Boise, the race also happens in Chicago, Miami, Minneapolis and Phoenix.) The Boise course, which is fast and flat, is ideal for runners and walkers alike. Bring canned foods to the start area — they’ll be donated to the pantries of Boise Rescue Mission and City Light Home for Women and Children — and you’ll be entered into a special prize lottery, just for doing good. [caption id="attachment_45279" align="alignnone" width="620"]Feathers and Feast Trail Half Marathon Turkey TrotPhoto: Feast and Feathers Half-Marathon[/caption]

22. Feast and Feathers Trail Half-Marathon/10K/5K

Location: Omaha, NE Weekend warriors will flock to this trail half, but thanks to the 10K and 5K distances, anyone can join in on the action. In fact, even kids can join the fun with the Lil Gobbler Trot — a free race, as long as you bring five cans of food to benefit the Food Bank of Heartland. Of course the 5K loop is easiest, but the half provides some of the best views of Cunningham Lake (and extra room for stuffing). [caption id="attachment_45280" align="alignnone" width="620"]Knoxville Turkey TrotPhoto: Eli Johnson Photography / Fleet Feet Sports Knoxville[/caption]

23. Hot to Trot 10K/5K/Fun Run

Location: Knoxville, TN Held annually by sportswear shop Fleet Feet Knoxville, this race is all about community. Not only was there a friendly contest for runners to design this year’s official logo, local handmade pottery will serve as trophies. Also, all proceeds benefit A Hand Up For Women, a charity that focuses on mentorship, education and development for girls and women. [caption id="attachment_45281" align="alignnone" width="620"]Naperville Turkey TrotPhoto: Naperville Lions[/caption]

24. Naperville Turkey Trot

Location: Naperville, IL Organized by the local Lions Club, this flat course is great for those looking to nab a PR. Now in it’s 20th year, 7,500 runners are expected to hit the course this Thanksgiving. And because you deserve a delicious breakfast after a solid run, there’s a pancake feast served afterwards — free of charge. [caption id="attachment_45278" align="alignnone" width="620"]DC Turkey Trot for HungerPhoto: Trot for Hunger[/caption]

25. Thanksgiving Day Trot for Hunger

Location: Washington, DC Raise money and awareness for DC’s homeless population by registering for the 16th annual Trot for Hunger, where race proceeds help thousands of families in the DC area. Things kick off first for the kids’ one-mile Fun Run, then the 5K, all starting from Freedom Plaza. You have the option to run with a chip or without, so use the day to PR or just shake out your legs on a good powerwalk. RELATED: 11 Incredible Charity Races That Give Back [caption id="attachment_45284" align="alignnone" width="620"]Pensacola Turkey Trot for ThoughtPhoto: Pensacola Turkey Trot for Thought[/caption]

26. Pensacola Beach Trot for Thought

Location: Pensacola Beach, FL With a gorgeous, coastal course, the Trot for Thought is easily the most relaxing and scenic 5K — you run right between the serene shorelines of the Santa Rosa Sound and the Gulf of Mexico. Proceeds from the race benefit brain cancer research by the Preston Robert Tisch Tumor Center at Duke University. Oh, and this race is dog-friendly — just make sure your pooch is up for 3.1 miles beforehand! [caption id="attachment_45283" align="alignnone" width="620"]Oklahoma City Turkey Trot Photo: Oklahoma City Turkey Trot[/caption]

27. Oklahoma City Turkey Tracks 5K 

Location: Oklahoma City, OK Run around downtown Oklahoma City for this 5K or one-mile Fun Run. But before you start stepping, be sure to drop off a new, unwrapped gift with the US Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation drop. Organizers hope to give 1,000 Christmas toys to needy children in the Oklahoma City area. [caption id="attachment_45285" align="alignnone" width="620"]15th Annual Turkey TrekPhoto: Turkey Trek[/caption]

28. 15th Annual Turkey Trek

Location: Albuquerque, NM If you’ve ever seen epic photos from the annual hot-air balloon festival, you know Balloon Park, which serves as a border for this Turkey Trek. With a 5K run, a fitness walk and a Fun Run, the whole family can get involved in a race that meets his or her individual fitness level. Even more fun: a costume contest with a male, female and kid winner. [caption id="attachment_45276" align="alignnone" width="620"]Bay St Louis Turkey TrotPhoto: Bay St Louis Turkey Trot[/caption]

29. Fit First Turkey Trot

Location: Bay St. Louis, MS Only in its fifth year, this Trot is all about our furry friends, as every race participant (and spectator!) is asked to bring canned pet food, treat or toy for donation. In addition, all proceeds will benefit the local animal shelter. Let’s face it: Although pets are such an important part of the family, Thanksgiving may be the one day we forget that. This Turkey Trot is the perfect reminder. [caption id="attachment_45282" align="alignnone" width="620"]North Dakota CFA Turkey TrotPhoto: CFA North Dakota[/caption]

30. CFA North Dakota Turkey Trot

Location: Bismarck, ND Fun, frosty beards and snowy streets aside, this Turkey Trot is an important one as it is held by (and all proceeds go toward) the Cystic Fibrosis Association of North Dakota. With a 10K run, 5K run, 5K walk and a fun walk, there's a race for everyone in the fam. Just make sure you dress for the weather — recent years have been frigid and snowy. Not within trotting distance of any of the races listed above? Check out the race directories on or Running in the USA to find a Thanksgiving Day turkey trot near you. Read More The 15 Best Fall Marathons in the U.S. Why I Started Running — and Never Stopped 50 Running Resources for Speed, Strength and Nutrition Originally posted on November 25, 2013. Updated November 2017. 

from John L Fitness