Martes, Disyembre 1, 2015

How To Be A Better Manager

boss photo

Becoming a Manager is not just a title. It is not just rolling with the motions, staring at your computer zoned out, all with your office door closed. So much goes into management. There is nothing worse than an ineffective Manager. It can completely destroy a company and its entire image. Guess what the number one reason is why people leave a company? A terrible boss. Leave that for another company, say one that you are not a Manager for. You most definitely want to have a positive relationship with all employees. The way that you manage departments and projects will effect the productivity of the entire company. Let’s take a look at some ways that can make you a better Manager…today!

Focus on engaging your employees. This is a key component of productivity. There are far too many people disengaged in their work. A huge proportion of this is due to poor management. If you want your employees to feel emotionally attached then you have to apply yourself with them. ‘There is no “I” in Team’. Work alongside them. Be readily available. Guide them. Tailor to each individual. In the end, it is your job to manage, right? Managing is not just overseeing. Managing sometimes involves rolling up your sleeves. The end result is the common denominator here.

It is also important to pick your management style. Your natural style of management may work for some of the team, but others will not thrive. You must be well versed in different styles and know when to switch between them. Deciding how to coach without micromanaging is extremely important. You want to provide guidance, but you don’t want to hover. It might not be uncomfortable to you to stand over an employee at their desk, but I can confidently tell you that nobody likes to be the person you are standing over.

A very important part of your role is to hold employees accountable for their results. You may be thinking an individual is working on certain items and they may be working on others. Be clear and concise when listing your expectations. Check in on them. As stated above, open your office door and work in the bullpen. Communication is a key factor here. Clearly communicate and while doing so, keep it positive. Nobody wants to work for a negative nancy.

I bet if you give some thought to this and apply it to your company, you will be on the right path to becoming a better manager.

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