5 Standing Desk Stretches to Relieve Stress Now
[caption id="attachment_50133" align="alignnone" width="620"]1. Standing Pigeon Pose
At first glance, you might have second thoughts about putting your leg up on your desk. If the height of your desk is too tall, and you’re not able to swing your leg up on it, you can use your chair instead. “Pigeon pose is one of the best hip-opening exercises. I personally like it because I have pain in my piriformis muscle, which is a muscle in your butt area. It’s really tricky to release tension in this area of your body,” Pace says. How to: Stand tall in front of your desk with your feet hip-distance apart (a). Bend your right knee and bring it close to your chest, standing tall with your left foot flat on the ground and your leg straight (b). Lay your bent right knee on the desk and keep your hands on your hips. To deepen the stretch, you can fold your upper body forward and lock your hands at the sides of your desk. RELATED: This Is the Secret to Standing Up Straighter [caption id="attachment_50145" align="alignnone" width="620"]2. Dynamic Hamstring Stretch
If you have really tight hamstrings, it can manifest in unexpected places, like pain in the lower back, glutes, back of your thighs and lower butt. This classic yoga and barre move allows you to work through those kinks all with the help of your desk. Pace says you can hinge forward and reach for your toes if you’re flexible to get a double hamstring stretch. How to: Lift your left leg up on your desk and straighten it, forming a 90-degree angle to the floor. Keep your hands at your hips (a). Try slightly bending your knee on your standing leg to further deepen the stretch (b). Hold this pose for a few breaths before switching legs. RELATED: The 5 Hip Stretches You Need to Relieve Tension Now [caption id="attachment_50136" align="alignnone" width="620"]3. Dynamic Quad Stretch
Standing or sitting in one position can put pressure on your thighs and cause tightness. A dynamic quad stretch can help open up your hip flexors. But this pose can be a little tricky if you don’t have great balance or coordination. “Use a wall or chair for balance purposes. If you want to make this a more active stretch, fire up and engage the muscles to activate them,” Pace advises. How to: Stand tall and face away from your desk (a). Lift your left leg off the ground and keep it bent. Place the top of your foot on top of your desk (b). Keep your hands at your hips. You can slightly bend your standing leg to deepen the stretch (c). Hold this pose for a few breaths before moving onto the other leg. RELATED: Foam Rolling vs. Stretching: Which Is Better for You? [caption id="attachment_50137" align="alignnone" width="620"]4. Heart-Opening Bridge
The bridge is one of the most restorative yoga poses. It’s a dynamic way of opening your chest and shoulders and strengthening your mid back. “It also opens up your elbows, hip flexors and quadriceps,” Pace adds. The stretch can be great for your wrists, too, which can feel tense after typing for hours on end. How to: Stand tall and face away from your desk (a). Point your toes towards the wall in front of you. Place your hands behind you on your desk with your fingers facing the opposite direction of your feet (b). Lift your chest up towards the ceiling, roll your shoulders back and gently press hips forward. It's best to press through the hips rather than arch the lower back. RELATED: 5 Yoga-Inspired Shoulder Openers [caption id="attachment_50134" align="alignnone" width="620"]5. Thread the Needle
When you sit or stand up for most of the day, you tend to round out your spine and hunch over your desk. “The threading the needle pose is really great for stretching your shoulders and opening your chest. This standing spinal twist is also good for improving your range of motion and posture,” Pace says. How to: Start in a standing child’s pose with your hands flat on the desk in front of you, and your head and eyes facing down (a). Your feet should be feet hip-width apart, and your hips should align with a straight back (b). Take your right arm and thread it underneath your left arm so your hand points to the left wall. Hold this pose for a few breaths and then switch sides. Originally published June 2016. Updated October 2017. Read More Barre Harmony: The Total-Body Barre Workout You Can Do at Home The Beginner's Guide to Every Type of Yoga Out There What This Barre Instructor Eats in a Dayfrom John L Fitness http://ift.tt/24yVS8w
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