8 Exercises to Strengthen Your Posterior Chain from Jason Walsh
Perform each of the moves below for 30 seconds each, and then repeat for three to five rounds. Aim to get in as many reps as possible in those 30 seconds. Your entire back side is about to get super strong and sculpted. [caption id="attachment_62813" align="alignnone" width="620"]1. Single-Leg Russian Deadlift
How to: Stand with feet hip-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand (a). Shift your weight into your right foot and lean forward with a flat back, shoulders relaxed. At the same time, lift your left leg behind you, lowering until your body is parallel to the floor. Arms should extend toward the floor as you keep your shoulders back (don’t round your back) (b). Let your right leg bend slightly as you lower (c). Slowly stand back up and repeat (d). Then switch sides.2. Isometric Pull-Up Hold
How to: Stand in front of a pull-up bar, hands gripping the bar (a). Jump up so your chin is above the bar, elbows are bent and down by your sides (b). Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds, then lower down (c). RELATED: 7 Ways Exercise Helps Relieve Back Pain3. Hip Thrust
How to: Facing away from a bench, lean your shoulder blades against it, feet flat on floor in front of you (a). Engaging your glutes, push your hips up as if you’re doing a bridge. To up the challenge, bring your feet together, and raise one knee in the air (hitting tabletop position) as your lift your hips (b). Lower back down, then repeat.4. Superman
How to: Lie face down on the floor or a bench with arms and legs extended (a). Engaging your glutes, lift your torso, arms and legs a few inches off floor (b). Hold for 5 to 10 seconds, then lower to start (c). Repeat. RELATED: 50 Butt Exercises to Sculpt Stronger Glutes5. Sled Drag
How to: Stand facing a weighted sled and holding onto the sides with both hands. Lower into a squat position (a). Keeping chest up and pushing off your heels, walk backwards, pulling the sled with you (b). Repeat.6. Spiderman Crawl
How to: Start in a high plank position (a). Step your right leg up to the outside of your right hand, knee above your elbow. At the same time, step your left hand forward and lower down into a tricep push-up (b). Push yourself back up, and as you reach the top, step your right foot back, left foot up to the outside of your left hand. Right hand takes a step forward (c). Repeat the push up and continue alternating as you move forward. Read More The 5-Minute, No-Equipment Back Workout Are You Doing the Deadlift All Wrong? The 7 Best Strength Exercises You’re Not Doingfrom John L Fitness http://ift.tt/2gvYgNL
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